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Главная / Нефть, газ, уголь / Уголь, Торф, Сланцы Тип объявления: Куплю
Автор: Randal Страна/город: Латвия / _не определен
E-mail: Телефон: 43891806882
Дата подачи: 29.06.19 23:42 Количество просмотров: 552
Текст объявления
I've got a very weak signal keez movie I think one of the things that GTA has always lampooned (SINCE 2001!) is the flavor of the month headlines plaguing American media throughout various eras and the irrational hate, anger and scare-tactics associated with those headlines. In millennium-based GTAIII, it was video games, in 1980s-Vice City it was violent movies, in early 1990s-San Andreas it was gangsta rap, in 2008-GTA IV it was Muslims/Terrorism. I haven't finished the game quite yet, but a lot of the joking I have seen in this game (and in GTA IV) has involved poking fun at the lazy, self-important, directionless millennial generation. While this doesn't necessarily fall under the category, of "media scare-tactic subject", it's certainly something worth making fun of. GTA has always made fun of various crazy/foolish/stupid things about modern American society and this is no different. I think it's a little much to suggest GTA has "hardly grown since 2001"…the problem isn't that GTA has hardly grown, it's that American society has continuously grown more and more ridiculous and it's too much for the boys over at Rockstar Games to pass up!

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